Advanced D star Usage Tips
Information about the Florida and D-Rats
For the time being this page will contain mostly links to other related Dstar participating web sites until more advanced tips and tricks end up listed. We appreciate your patience!
Some very informative sites
Information, FAQ's, and Ham fest information. Repeater lists, Relfector Utilities, and more....
American National Association for Amateur Radio
Coverage on North-East FL Dstar project, involves efforts in using dstar for disaster relief.
D-star radio operators in the NC, USA area
Utilizing Raspberry Pi for D-star gateways and other fun things
If you haven't heard the news there is a new product out now that has multiple uses as a low cost, single board computer known as the Raspberry Pi
The "Pi" was developed for training purposes in schools in the computer sciences field but has since grown into a consumer product. The Pi uses an
ARM based processor with 256Mb of RAM and a SD card for installation and storage capabilities. The PI runs light wieght versions of linux operating software with
capability for "extra" software to do a multitude of things for around the price of $40 a board.
(Actual price of all equipment may be more) sells a bundle board for easy first time users with most peripherals needed to get up and going on it
Raspberry Pi website can show you a bunch of other ways to use your pi but since this is a radio website we'll keep our content inline with radio
K7VE has a blog about installing and using a Raspberry Pi as a D-star controller. The information is here. He also had a good short and detailed history of Gateways for D-star for your reading enjoyment.
D-star related tools and utilities
D-Star Activity | |||||
Gateway Status | Reflector Listings | DPLUS Monitor | World Wide | Repeater Map | |
D-Star Programming Utilities | |||||
D-Star Calculator | Gateway Registration Check | D-Star X System | ICF and CSV/ Files bank | ||
D-Star Applications | |||||
D-RATS | D-Star TV | D-RATS 3.3 beta 5 | D-TERM | Latest Chirp Beta | D-Star Hotspot |
DV Dongle/DVAP | |||||
DV Dongle Page | DVAP Page | DV Tool 2.0 Beta4 | Users Group | PTT SW for DvDognle | |
D-Star Help and Support Resources | |||||
D-Star Documentation Page | How to set up D-Star Hotspot | D-Star Users Group | |||
APRS/DPRS Tracking Map | DPRS Calculator for Icom Radios | ||||
ICOM | |||||
ICOM Mobile Comparison | ICOM Portable Comparison | "DStar" The Movie | IC-9100 | ||
Non D-Star Items of interest | |||||
K1IW Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Transmitters Database Web search |
Email us and let us know your thoughts...
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